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Concilio Ministerial 2008 Ministerial Council 2008
Lema. Lema. “Testificando la Verdadera Gracia de Dios” "Witnessing the True Grace of God"
Tema: Muerte y Resurrección de Cristo Topic: Death and Resurrection of Christ
Expositor. Exhibitor. Min. Angel Canales Pérez Min. Angel Canales Pérez
Por tanto el mismo Señor os dará señal: He aquí que la virgen concebirá, y parirá "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign: Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear
un hijo, y llamara su nombre Emmanuel, Porque antes que el niño sepa desechar lo a son and call his name Emmanuel, For before the child shall know to refuse the
malo y lo bueno, la tierra que tu aborreces será dejada de sus dos reyes ” Isaías bad and the good, the land that you dread will be forsaken of both her ​​kings "Isaiah
7:14,16, los profetas que anunciaron el nacimiento de Cristo, legaron una verdad para 7: 14,16, the prophets who announced the birth of Christ, bequeathed true for
todas las generaciones de las cuales nada ni nadie puede negar el fiel cumplimiento del all generations of which nothing can deny the faithful performance of
plan de Dios, para dar redención a sus escogidos, el profeta Isaías señala firmemente God's plan for redemption to His elect, the prophet Isaiah says firmly
antes que el niño tenga discernimiento, dos reyes tendrían que -morir- dejar la tierra, la before the child has discernment -morir- two kings would have to leave the land,
historia nos dice que cuando Cristo nació en el año cuatro de la era antigua, salio edicto History tells us that when Christ was born in year four of the old era, came edict
de parte de Augusto Cesar – Emperador de Roma. from Augusto Cesar - Emperor of Rome. 27 A de C al 14 D de C.- de que la A 27 C to 14 C. D that
tierra fuera empadronada y fue cuando nació el Señor Jesús, por cuanto José subió de land was enumerated and it was when Jesus was born, because Joseph rose from
Galilea a la ciudad de Nazaret, para ser empadronados. Galilee town of Nazareth, to be taxed. Lucas 2: 1-6. Luke 2: 1-6.
 El primer rey a quien refiere la profecía, fue Herodes el grande –rey de Judea 37 A  The first king who relates the prophecy, was Herod the Great, king of Judea 37
de C al 4 A de C- quien los magos del oriente le preguntaron ¿Donde está el rey of C 4 A of C- Eastern magicians who asked him Where is the king
de los Judíos, que ha nacido? of the Jews, is born? de lo cual se turbó y con él toda Jerusalén, por lo of which he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him, so
que no teniendo respuesta de los magos, se sintió burlado y como respuesta a su not having response of the Magi, he was mocked and in response to its
inconformidad de no aceptar otro rey, mando dar muerte a todos los niños menores nonconformity not accept another king, sent to kill all children under
de dos años, Por lo que posterior a esto suceso murió. two years, so it died after this event. Mateo 2:1-3,7-16-19. Matthew 2: 1-3,7-16-19.
 El Segundo rey Herodes Archelao (Hijo de Herodes el Grande), rey de Judea 4 A  The Second King Herod Archelaus (son of Herod the Great), King of Judea 4 A
de C al 6 D de C - (Mateo 2:22) cabe aclarar que Herodes Archelao murió hasta el C of C 6 D - (Matthew 2:22) it is clear that Herod died Archelao to
año 14 D de C, lo resaltante de su reino es que cuando el empezó a reinar dio year 14 D of C, highlight of his kingdom is that when he began to reign
muerte a sus tres hijos, levantándose una rebelión del pueblo en su contra, por lo killing three children, getting a rebellion of the people against them, so
que su reino como etnarca –Gobernador- fue depuesto por orden de Augusto your kingdom as ethnarch -Gobernador- was deposed by order of Augustus
Cesar quien designo a Poncio Pilatos como procurador de Judea (Lucas 3:1) Cesar who appoint Pontius Pilate as procurator of Judea (Luke 3: 1)
Pilatos, quien responsabilizo al pueblo de la muerte de Jesús fue quien también Pilate, who take responsibility to the people of the death of Jesus was who also
reino durante el tiempo del emperador Tiberio Cesar sucesor de Augusto Cesar, kingdom during the time of Emperor Tiberius Cesar Augusto Cesar successor,
Emperadores Romanos. Roman Emperors.
El historiador Josefo confirma que fue Herodes Archealo quien reinaba fue cuando el The historian Josephus confirms that it was Herod who reigned Archealo was when the
ángel revelo a José que debería regresar con el niño Jesús , “Mas muerto Herodes –el Angel revealed to Joseph that he should return with the child Jesus, "But when Herod was dead -the
Grande-, he aquí el ángel del Señor aparece en sueños a José en Egipto, Diciendo: Grande, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying:
Levántate, y toma al niño ya su madre, y se vino a tierra de Israel. Arise and take the young child and his mother, and came into the land of Israel. Y oyendo que And when that
Archelao reinaba en Judea en lugar de Herodes su padre, temió ir allá: mas Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go thither:
amonestado por revelación en sueños, se fue a las partes de Galilea. He warned in a dream, he turned to the parts of Galilee. Y vino y hábito He came and habit
en la ciudad que se llama Nazaret: para que se cumpliese lo que fue dicho por los in the city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the
profetas, que había de ser llamado Nazareno” . prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene. " Mateo 2:19-23, lugar de donde era Matthew 2: 19-23, instead of where it was
originario Lucas 2:4. originating Luke 2: 4.
Lo que el profeta Miqueas refirió era señalar el lugar o ciudad donde nacería, no era una What the prophet Micah was referred to pinpoint the location or city where born, was not a
equivocación, ya que el profeta revelo el lugar exacto de su nacimiento “ Mas tu, Beth- mistake, as the prophet revealed the exact place of his birth "But you, Beth
lehem Ephrata, pequeña para ser en los millares de Juda, de ti me saldrá el que será Bethlehem Ephrata, little to be among the thousands of Judah, from you shall come forth to me
Señor en Israel; Ruler in Israel; y sus salidas son desde el principio, desde los días del siglo whose goings forth are from of old, from the days of eternity "
Miqueas 5:2. Micah 5: 2. Siendo esta profecía la primera en señalar el lugar exacto de su nacimiento, This prophecy being the first to point out the exact place of his birth,
Beth-lehem desde luego sin referirse a las causas –el edicto de empadronamiento- por Bethlehem since then without reference to the causes -the edict empadronamiento- by

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Concilio Ministerial 2008 Ministerial Council 2008
Lema. Lema. “Testificando la Verdadera Gracia de Dios” "Witnessing the True Grace of God"
Tema: Muerte y Resurrección de Cristo Topic: Death and Resurrection of Christ
Expositor. Exhibitor. Min. Angel Canales Pérez Min. Angel Canales Pérez
las que seria en este lugar a lo cual el evangelista Lucas explica claramente “ Y aconteció which would be in this place to which the evangelist Luke clearly explained "It happened
en aquellos días que salio edicto de parte de Augusto Cesar, que toda la tierra fuese In those days came out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should
empadronada. taxed. E iban todos para ser empadronados, cada uno a su ciudad. And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. Y subió And he went
José de Galilea, de la ciudad de Nazaret, A Judea, a la ciudad de David, que se llama Joseph of Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called
Bethlehem, por cuanto era de la casa y familia de David; Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David; Para ser empadronado con To be taxed with
Maria su mujer, desposada con el la cual estaba en cinta” . Maria his wife, married to the which was on tape. " Lucas 2: 1,3-5. Luke 2: 1,3-5. Así que la So
curiosidad de Herodes el Grande por conocer del rey que había nacido pregunta a los Herod the Great curiosity to know the king who was born asks
magos ¿Donde había de nacer el Cristo? Wizards Where are the Christ was to be born? Y ellos de dijeron: en Bethlehem de Judea; "And told them: in Bethlehem of Judea;
porque así esta escrito por el profeta” Mateo 2:5, Juan 7:40-42, cumpliéndose for thus it is written by the prophet "Matthew 2: 5, John 7: 40-42, fulfilling
perfectamente la profecía a lo cual el apóstol Pablo refiere ” Mas venido el cumplimiento perfectly prophecy to which Paul refers "But when the fullness
del tiempo, Dios envió a su Hijo Hecho de Mujer, hecho súbdito a la ley ” Galatas 4:4. of time, God sent his Son Made of woman, made ​​under the "law Galatians 4: 4.
En su momento se cumplieron todas las cosas escritas por los profetas, lo cual no deja At the time fulfilled all things written by the prophets, which leaves
duda alguna para reconocer que este era el hijo de Dios. doubt to recognize that this was the Son of God.
Otro paralelo a la anterior profecía tuvo lugar con el otro cumplimiento de la promesa Another parallel to previous prophecy took place with another fulfillment of the promise
predicha por los profetas, ya que antes de que José, Maria y el niño tuvieran que huir foretold by the prophets, as before Joseph, Mary and the child had to flee
hacia Egipto, tiene lugar la presentación de Jesús en el templo, cuando aquel Simeón to Egypt, takes place the presentation of Jesus in the temple, when that Simeon
tomo en sus brazos al hijo de Dios, para presentarle conforme a la ley “Y he aquí, había took her in his arms the child of God, to present according to law "And behold, there was
un hombre en Jerusalén, llamado Simeón, y este hombre, justo y pió, esperaba la a man in Jerusalem named Simeon, and this man was just and devout, waiting for the
consolación de Israel: Y el Espíritu Santo era sobre él, Y había recibido respuesta consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him, and had answers
del Espíritu Santo, que no vería la muerte antes que viese el Cristo del Señor. the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Christ. Y vino And wine
por Espíritu al templo. by the Spirit into the temple. Y cuando metieron al niño Jesús sus padres en el templo, And when they brought in the child Jesus in the temple parents,
para hacer por él conforme a la costumbre de la ley.” Lucas 2:25-27. to do for him according to the custom of the law "Luke 2: 25-27..
La huida a Egipto para salvar la vida de niño Jesús, en nada detuvo que el plan de The Flight into Egypt to save the life of Jesus child, nothing stopped the plan
salvación provisto por Dios, ya que mientras los padres de Jesús permanecían en Egipto salvation provided by God, because while the parents of Jesus remained in Egypt
con el niño, en Israel una anciana de ochenta y cuatro años, Ana, profetisa, hija de with the child, an elderly Israeli eighty-four, Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of
Phanuel, quien no se apartaba del templo, sirviendo de noche y de día con ayunos y Phanuel, who never left the temple but worshiped night and day with fasting and
oraciones, confesaba al Señor, y hablaba de él a todos los que esperaban la redención en prayers unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in
Jerusalén (Lucas 2:36-38). Jerusalem (Luke 2: 36-38). Una vez removido Herodes Archelao y cumplidas las cosas se Once removed Herod Archelaus and complied things
volvieron a Galilea, a la ciudad de Nazaret donde fue criado ya la edad de doce años they returned into Galilee, to the city of Nazareth where he was raised and the age of twelve
subió a Jerusalén en la fiesta de la pascua y donde sorprendentemente quedaba de went up to Jerusalem at the feast of the passover, and where surprisingly left of
manifiesto su sabiduría y conocimiento de la ley. manifest their wisdom and knowledge of the law.
Fue el año 26 de nuestra era, cuando Juan vino por todo alrededor del Jordán predicando It was the year 26 AD, when John came all around the Jordan, preaching
el arrepentimiento, ye unos meses después el mismo Jesús descendiera a él, para ser repentance, and e few months later the same Jesus descended to him, to be
bautizado, y de esta manera iniciar su ministerio, convocando a doce varones a quienes baptized, and thus begin his ministry, calling twelve men who
lego el testimonio y revelo todas las cosas que había recibido del Padre, vivencias en la lego witness and reveal all that he had received from the Father, experiences in the
que los discípulos de Jesús fueron creciendo de día en día, hasta llegar a ser ellos Jesus' disciples were increasing day by day, until they become
mismos testigos de las enseñanzas, milagros, revelaciones importantes, confirmando same witnesses of the teachings, miracles, important revelations, confirming
pactos y testificando todos los acontecimientos de la muerte y resurrección de Cristo. covenants and witnessing all the events of the death and resurrection of Christ. Las The
esperanzas de los discípulos de Jesús quedaron selladas, al ver el poder de sus hopes of the disciples of Jesus were sealed, seeing the power of their
enseñanzas y lo mas importante poder ellos mismos ejercer ese poder en el nombre de teachings and most importantly to themselves exercise that power in the name of
Jesús, cada día que pasaba estaban convencidos que su maestro, no era otro, si no la Jesus, every passing day were convinced that their teacher was none other, otherwise the
esperanza de Israel. hope of Israel. Hasta que de pronto las expectativas comenzaron a cambiar cuando Until suddenly began to change expectations when
Jesús les decía que era necesario que el Hijo de Dios tuviera que padecer , “Desde Jesus told them it was necessary that the Son of God had to suffer, "From
entonces, Jesús comenzó a explicar a sus discípulos que le era preciso ir a time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to
Jerusalén y padecer mucho de parte de los ancianos, de los principales sacerdotes Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests
y de los escribas, y ser muerto, y resucitar al tercer día. and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day. Pedro le tomó aparte y Peter took him aside and
comenzó a reprenderle diciendo: -Señor, ten compasión de ti mismo. began to rebuke him, saying, Lord, have mercy on yourself. ¡Jamás te Never you
suceda esto . Mateo 16:21-22 ¡Los discípulos no querían oír esto! . This happens Matthew 16: 21-22 The disciples did not want to hear this! Ellos no querían que They did not want

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Concilio Ministerial 2008 Ministerial Council 2008
Lema. Lema. “Testificando la Verdadera Gracia de Dios” "Witnessing the True Grace of God"
Tema: Muerte y Resurrección de Cristo Topic: Death and Resurrection of Christ
Expositor. Exhibitor. Min. Angel Canales Pérez Min. Angel Canales Pérez
nada estropeara esta novedosa forma de vivir cerca del maestro, estaban lejos de aceptar anything spoil this new way of living close to the teacher, they were far from accepting
las palabras de su señor. the words of his master.
Entonces Jesús les dijo: Todos vosotros os Then said Jesus unto them, All ye
escandalizaréis de mí esta noche, porque está escrito: Heriré al Pastor, y las ovejas offended because of me tonight, for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep
del rebaño serán dispersadas. the flock will be scattered. Pero después de haber resucitado, iré delante de But having risen, I will go before
vosotros a Galilea. you into Galilee. Respondiéndole Pedro dijo: -Aunque todos se escandalicen de Peter answering said, Even if all fall away from
ti, yo nunca me escandalizaré. you, I never be offended. Jesús le dijo: -De cierto te digo que esta noche, Jesus said, Verily I say unto thee tonight
antes que el gallo cante, tú me negarás tres veces. before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times. Pedro le dijo: Aunque me sea Peter said: Even if I
necesario morir contigo, jamás te negaré. to die with you, I will not deny you. Y todos los discípulos dijeron lo mismo”. And all the disciples said the same. "
Mateo 26:31-35. Matthew 26: 31-35. Todos proclamaban su lealtad, misma que se puso en peligro cuando All proclaimed their loyalty, same as endangered when
llego la hora. was time.
Cuando Jesús fue aprendido, sus discípulos huyeron por temor a morir, aquella noche When Jesus was learned, his disciples fled in fear to die that night
sucedía lo inconcebible, mientras Jesús fue llevado ante el Sanedrín para ser condenado the unthinkable happened, while Jesus was brought before the Sanhedrin to be sentenced
en unas horas y de esta manera ser entregado al Gobernador Romano, cuyos soldados in a few hours and thus be delivered to the Roman governor, whose soldiers
se mofaron, lo hirieron, lo hollaron, en el desarrollo de estos acontecimientos, Pedro se They mocked, beat him, so trampled in the development of these events, Peter
vio envuelto en la desesperación negando al Señor tres veces, de manera que cuando el engulfed in despair denying the Lord three times, so that when the
gallo canto, recordó las palabras de su maestro quien le había dicho, antes que el gallo rooster singing, recalled the words of his teacher who told him, before the cock
cante me habrás negado tres veces, la angustia y culpabilidad invadió a Pedro quien al crows you will deny me three times, anguish and guilt Peter who invaded the
recordar las palabras salio y lloro amargamente, esto solo era el principio de un aparente remember the words came out and wept bitterly, this was only the beginning of an apparent
fin, aun estaba por desarrollarse lo mas trágico, para sus seguidores, este era el fin, ellos Finally, it was yet to develop the most tragic, for his followers, this was the end, they
entendían que la esperanza por restaurar a Israel había sido solo un buen intento y que understood that hope to restore Israel was just a nice try and
tal vez todavía no había llegado el cumplimento de lo que los profetas habían anunciado. perhaps he had not yet reached the fulfillment of what the prophets had announced.
¿Por que fue necesario que los profetas hablaran del nacimiento, ministerio, muerte y Why it was necessary that the prophets spoke of the birth, ministry, death and
resurrección de Cristo? resurrection of Christ? Porque os hemos dado a conocer el poder y la venida de "For we have come to know the power and coming of
nuestro Señor Jesucristo, no siguiendo fábulas artificiosas, sino porque fuimos our Lord Jesus Christ, not followed cunningly devised fables, but because they were
testigos oculares de su majestad. eyewitnesses of his majesty. Porque al recibir de parte de Dios Padre honra y For He received from God the Father honor and
gloria, desde la grandiosa gloria le fue dirigida una voz: "Este es mi Hijo amado, en glory, from the great glory he was directed a voice: "This is my beloved Son, in
quien tengo complacencia." Y nosotros oímos esta voz dirigida desde el cielo whom I am well pleased. "We ourselves heard this voice from heaven
cuando estábamos con él en el monte santo”. 2ª Pedro 1:16-18. when we were with him in the holy mount "2 Peter 1: 16-18.. Cristo no solo vino a Christ not only came to
dividir las eras, vino a cumplir a reconciliar a los hombres con Dios, vino a redimirnos del divide the eras, came to fulfill to reconcile men to God, came to redeem us from
pecado Adámico, vino a traer vida abundante a los que le recibieran ya dar vida eterna a Adamic sin, came to bring abundant life to those who receive and give eternal life to
los hagan la voluntad de su Padre. the do the will of his Father. Cristo cumplió varias profecías no solo en cuanto a su Christ fulfilled several prophecies not only in their
nacimiento, sino también en cuanto a su propósito de que aquel verbo hubiera sido birth but also in their purpose of this verb would have been
engendrado . begotten. “Y les dijo: Estas son las palabras que os hablé, estando aún con "And he said unto them, These are the words which I spoke, still with
vosotros: que era necesario que se cumpliesen todas estas cosas que están you, that it was necessary that all these things be fulfilled are
escritas de mí en la Ley de Moisés, en los Profetas y en los Salmos ”. written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms. " Lucas 24:44 Luke 24:44
Otra profecía muy importante sin duda es LAS SETENTA SEMANAS, la cual tiene como Another very important prophecy is undoubtedly THE SEVENTY WEEKS, which has as
objetó principal fijar el tiempo exacto del aparecimiento del Mesías. principal objected to fix the exact time of the appearance of the Messiah. El tiempo de está The time is
profecía según el relato del profeta Daniel 9:24-27 . prophecy according to the story of the prophet Daniel 9: 24-27. Cubriría un periodo de 490 años: Cover a period of 490 years:
dicho periodo está dividido en tres fracciones proféticas. this period is divided into three fractions prophetic.
"Sepas pues y entiendas, que desde la salida de la palabra para restaurar y edificar "Know therefore and understand, that from the going of the word to restore and build
a Jerusalén hasta el Mesías Príncipe, habrá siete semanas, y sesenta y dos Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks and sixty-two
semanas; weeks; tornaráse a edificar la plaza y el muro en tiempos angustiosos " Daniel 9:25 shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times "Daniel 9:25

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Concilio Ministerial 2008 Ministerial Council 2008
Lema. Lema. “Testificando la Verdadera Gracia de Dios” "Witnessing the True Grace of God"
Tema: Muerte y Resurrección de Cristo Topic: Death and Resurrection of Christ
Expositor. Exhibitor. Min. Angel Canales Pérez Min. Angel Canales Pérez
70 Semanas = 490 Años Daniel 9:24 70 Weeks = 490 Years Daniel 9:24
457 A de C . 457 C.
33 D de C C 33 D
408 A. 408 A. de C. C.
Muerte de Esteban Death of Stephen
Inicia ministerio de Cristo Sign ministry of Christ
Restauración del Santuario Restoration Sanctuary
tiempo para que apareciera el Mesías time for the appearance of the Messiah
Muerte de Cristo Death of Christ
7 Semanas 7 Weeks
62 Semanas 62 Weeks
1 Semana 1 Week
Nace Cristo Christ is born
-- 49 años -- - 49 years -
-- 434 años -- - 434 years -
-- 3 ½ años - -- 3 ½ años -- - 3 ½ years - - 3 ½ years -
5 A de C 5 A C
26 D de C. 26 D C.
30 D. de C . 30 D. C.
Esta profecía nos muestra el momento en que tenía que morir el Mesías, por tanto no This prophecy shows us the moment that the Messiah had to die, so there
debemos olvidar que en su muerte cargó con nuestros pecados y llevó nuestras culpas. we forget that in his death bore our sins and bore our sins.
Cuando Daniel estaba cautivo en Babilonia, estando considerando el tiempo, que según el When Daniel was captive in Babylon, the time was considering, which the
profeta Jeremías terminaría en setenta años; Jeremiah end of seventy years; Dios le indicó a Daniel que estaban God told Daniel that were
determinadas sobre su pueblo y su Santa Ciudad " setenta semanas ". determined upon his people and his Holy City "seventy weeks".
Los 490 años de esta profecía comenzaron a contar desde el decreto de Artajerjes, dado The 490 years of this prophecy began to run from the decree of Artaxerxes, since
en Babilonia en el año 457 A de C . Desde esta fecha se cuentan los 49 años de las 7 in Babylon in 457 A of C. From this date have 49 years 7
semanas, que nos llevan al año 408 A de C. En este tiempo se edificó la plaza y los weeks leading up to the year 408 C. At this time the square was built and
muros de Jerusalem, en tiempos angustiosos, debido a que los enemigos de Israel se walls of Jerusalem, in troublesome times, because the enemies of Israel
oponían al cumplimiento de los decretos de los reyes de Media y Persia a favor de la opposed to compliance with the decrees of the kings of Media and Persia in favor of the
reedificación del templo de Jehová y de la ciudad de Jerusalem. rebuilding of the temple of the LORD and the city of Jerusalem.
De esta última fecha 408 A de C. se cuentan los 434 años de las 62 semanas, que nos From that date 408 C. A count of 434 years of the 62 weeks, we
llevan al año 26 de la era común, fecha en que Jesús apareció para ser bautizado en el leading to year 26 of the Common Era, when Jesus appeared to be baptized in the
Jordán por Juan el Bautista. Jordan by John the Baptist. Con la manifestación de Cristo en el Jordán se cumple "la With the manifestation of Christ in the Jordan is fulfilled "the
presentación de la justicia de los siglos" y la unción del Santo de los Santos. Y de esta presentation of everlasting righteousness "and the anointing of the Holy of Holies. And this
fecha se cuentan los tres años y medio del ministerio de Jesucristo, que nos dan la mitad date counted three and a half years of the ministry of Jesus Christ, give us half
del año 30, cuando Cristo murió por los pecadores, concluyendo con su sacrificio el AD 30, when Christ died for sinners, concluding with his sacrifice
pecado de los que aceptaron a Cristo como su Salvador. sin of those who accepted Christ as their Savior. Con la muerte de Jesucristo en With the death of Jesus Christ
la cruz, se acaba la prevaricación y se hace la expiación a favor del pueblo de Dios the cross, the transgression is over and the atonement is made ​​for the people of God
quedando manifiesta la Justicia de los siglos. being manifested Justice ever.
La profecía se concluye al cumplirse los tres años y medio, que nos llevan al año 33 D de The prophecy was fulfilled concludes the three and a half years leading up to year 33 D
C. con un hecho sin precedente como lo fue la muerte de Esteban, quien es apedreado C. with an unprecedented as it was the death of Stephen, who is stoned
cuando sus palabras redarguyeron a los judíos que le escudaban (Hechos capitulo 7) a when his words redarguyeron the Jews who shielded him (Acts chapter 7)
quien culpaba de ser los responsables de la muerte del Hijo de Dios. whom he blamed for being responsible for the death of the Son of God.
Hablar de la muerte de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, es comprender la salvación y ¿que Talking about the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, salvation and understand what
significo cada acto que el Señor hizo antes de su muerte?, como dice el apóstol “ De la I mean every act that the Lord did before his death ?, as the apostle says, "From the
cual salud los profetas que profetizaron de la gracia que había de venir a vosotros, this salvation, the prophets who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you,
han inquirido y diligentemente buscado, Escudriñando cuando y en que punto de have inquired and searched diligently, when and where Peering point
tiempo significaba el Espíritu de Cristo que estaba en ellos, el cual prenunciaba las time the Spirit of Christ which was in them, when it testified beforehand the
aflicciones que habían de venir a Cristo, y las glorias después de ellas. come sufferings of Christ, and the glories that should follow. A los cuales In which
fue revelado, que no para si mismos, sino para nosotros administraban las cosas was revealed, that not to themselves, but unto us they did minister the things

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Concilio Ministerial 2008 Ministerial Council 2008
Lema. Lema. “Testificando la Verdadera Gracia de Dios” "Witnessing the True Grace of God"
Tema: Muerte y Resurrección de Cristo Topic: Death and Resurrection of Christ
Expositor. Exhibitor. Min. Angel Canales Pérez Min. Angel Canales Pérez
que ahora son anunciadas de los que os han predicado el evangelio por el Espíritu which are now announced to them that have preached the gospel by the Spirit
Santo enviado del cielo; Santo sent from heaven; en las cuales desean mirar los ángeles. in which angels desire to look. Por lo cual, Therefore,
teniendo los lomos de vuestro entendimiento ceñidos, con templanza, esperad having girded the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope
perfectamente en la gracia que os es presentada cuando Jesucristo os es fully on the grace that will be brought to you when Jesus Christ is
manifestado” . manifested ". 1ª Pedro 1:10-13. 1 Peter 1: 10-13. Revelaciones que nos fueron aparejadas, para que Revelations that we were rigged so that
vivamos la gracia que nos ha sido presentada. live the grace that has been presented to us. Nosotros tenemos que guardar el día de su We have to save the day of its
muerte como un memorial, porque en ese día fuimos libertados de la esclavitud del death as a memorial, because on that day we were freed from slavery
pecado, El antiguo pueblo de Israel guardo como memorial la pascua, festividad que sin, the ancient people of Israel keep the Passover memorial, festivity
recordaba la noche en que Dios señalo fecha en que destruiría a los Egipcios con remembered the night that God pointed date destroy the Egyptians with
mortandad para redimirlos de la esclavitud, por medio de la sangre del cordero pascual, death to redeem them from slavery, through the blood of the Passover lamb,
rociada en los dinteles de las casas. sprinkled on the doorposts of the houses. Igualmente nosotros debemos reconocer nuestra Also we must recognize our
liberación del pecado fue hecha posible por medio de la muerte de Cristo, pues el murió deliverance from sin was made ​​possible through the death of Christ, for he died
en la carne en obediencia al evangelio como el apóstol Pablo dice: “ Porque lo que era in the flesh in obedience to the gospel as Paul says, "For what was
imposible a la ley, por cuanto era débil por la carne, Dios enviando a su Hijo en impossible to law, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in
semejanza de carne de pecado, ya causa del pecado, condeno al pecado en la likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the
carne”. Romanos 8:3, es así como entendemos que la muerte de Cristo no solo nos flesh "Romans 8: 3., is how we understand Christ's death not only us
redimió sino que nos reconciliaba con Dios .”Dirimiendo en su carne las enemistades, redeemed but reconciled us to God. "Having abolished in his flesh the enmity,
la ley de los mandamientos en orden a ritos, para edificar en si mismo los dos en un the law of commandments contained in ordinances, for to make in himself of twain one
nuevo hombre, haciendo la paz. new man, so making peace. Y reconciliar por la cruz con Dios a ambos en un And by the cross to reconcile us both to God in one
mismo cuerpo, matando con ello las enemistades”. Efesios 2:15-16. same body, thus killing the enmity "Eph. 2: 15-16.
Es de esta manera como aquella solemnidad descrita en Éxodo 12:3-13, que se le dio a It is in this way that solemnity described in Exodus 12: 3-13, which was given to
Israel por estatuto por sus edades, hoy con la misma preocupación que tuvo el apóstol Israel a statute throughout their generations, today with the same concern was the apostle
Pedro tiene que ser comprendida de todos “ Porque nuestra pascua que es Cristo, fue Pedro has to be understood of all "For our Passover which is Christ, was
inmolada por nosotros ” 1ª Corintios 5:7. sacrificed for us "1 Corinthians 5: 7. LA CENA DEL SEÑOR es el memorial que The Lord's Supper is a memorial to
ahora nos corresponde, el cual debe ser bien entendido “Porque yo recibí del Señor lo now up, which should be well understood "For I received from the Lord
que también os he enseñado: que el señor Jesús, la noche que fue entregado, tomo pan; which I have also taught: that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread;
Y habiendo dado gracias, lo partió, y dijo: Tomad, comed: esto es mi cuerpo que por And when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, Take, eat: this is my body which
vosotros es partido: haced esto en memoria de mi. you is broken: this do in remembrance of me. Asimismo tomo también la copa, Likewise also took the cup,
después de haber cenado, diciendo: Esta copa es el nuevo pacto en mi sangre: haced after supper, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do
esto todas las veces -Años- que bebieres, en memoria de mi. This all -Años- times bebieres, in remembrance of me. Porque todas las veces que Because every time
comieres este pan, y bebieres esta copa, la muerte del Señor anuncias hasta que venga”. you eat this bread and this cup bebieres, announce the Lord's death until he comes ".
1ª Corintios 11: 23-26. 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26. Nuestra relación eterna con Dios, sin embargo, se basa en una Our eternal relationship with God, however, is based on a
sola cosa: que fuimos comprados mediante el cuerpo quebrantado y la sangre derramada One thing that we were bought by the broken body and shed blood
de Jesucristo: Por causa de su sacrificio nosotros permanecemos ante Dios no como Jesus Christ: Because of their sacrifice we stand before God not as
pecadores, sino como hijos de amados, declarados justos por la gracia de Dios, aun sinners, but as beloved sons, declared righteous by the grace of God, even
cuando no lo seamos. when we do not be. Ante esta distinción inmerecida de Jesucristo venimos a ser digno Given this undeserved distinction of Jesus Christ we become worthy
ante Dios. before God.
Es importante establecer el día y la hora en que Jesús establece el nuevo pacto “ Este It is important to set the day and time that Jesus established the new covenant "This
mes os será principio de los meses; month shall be the beginning of months; será este para vosotros el principio de los this will be for you the beginning of the
meses del año. months. Hablad a toda la congregación de Israel, diciendo: En el diez de Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth of
aqueste mes tómese cada uno un cordero por las familias de los padres, un cordero this month they shall take to them every man a lamb for the families of the fathers, a lamb
por familia. per family. Y habéis de guardarlo hasta el día catorce de este mes; And ye shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month; y lo inmolara and immolated
toda la congregación del pueblo de Israel entre las dos tardes” . all the congregation of Israel between the evenings ". Éxodo 12:2-6, hay Exodus 12: 2-6, there
cuestionamientos como; questions like; ¿Jesús adelanto la pascua? Did Jesus advance the passover? ¿a que hora mato Jesús el cordero? What time Jesus kill the lamb?
¿Jesús no celebro la pascua conforme al mandamiento? Did not Jesus celebrated the Passover according to the commandment? Etc. Lo cierto es que Jesús Etc. The truth is that Jesus
comió la pascua conforme al mandamiento en el día y hora señalada, instituyo el nuevo ate the passover according to the commandment in the day and hour, I instituted the new
pacto y también murió como estaba escrito. pact and died as written.

Page 6 Page 6
Concilio Ministerial 2008 Ministerial Council 2008
Lema. Lema. “Testificando la Verdadera Gracia de Dios” "Witnessing the True Grace of God"
Tema: Muerte y Resurrección de Cristo Topic: Death and Resurrection of Christ
Expositor. Exhibitor. Min. Angel Canales Pérez Min. Angel Canales Pérez
La Pascua o Pésakj Easter or Pésakj
10 10
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16
17 17
18 18
19 19
11 11
12 12
Se m ata el cordero cuando Israel sale de E gipto It m ata lamb when Israel leaves E gipto
y en la C ena de Jesús. and the C ena of Jesus. Éxodo.12:6 Éxodo.12: 6
Se aparta el cordero (Éxodo 12:3) Departs lamb (Exodus 12: 3)
Prim er día de los panes sin Prim er day of unleavened
levadura (Exodo12:15,18) yeast (Exodo12: 15.18)
( Pesaj = saltar, pasar de largo) (Pesach = jump, spending long)
M es de A bib o N isán M is A or N bib Isan
El pueblo Judío m ata el cordero, el día que The Jewish people m ata lamb, day
Jesús m uere Lucas 23:54 Luke 23:54 Jesus m Uere
**(Es necesario aclarar el termino entre las dos tardes, ya que existen diversos criterios de ** (It is necessary to clarify the term in the evening, as there are various criteria
interpretación particular, la palabra víspera una de las divisiones del día que significa = particular interpretation, the word eve of the divisions of the day that means =
tarde, lo que termina, con ello dando pauta al criterio equivocado que era la víspera final Later, what ends, thereby giving the criterion wrong pattern was the final eve
del día trece y el inicio parte obscura del día catorce refiere a las dos tardes la the thirteenth and the beginning of the fourteenth day dark part refers to the two afternoons
interpretación correcta nos la da Levítico 23:32 “ Es para ustedes el sábado de sábados. correct interpretation is given by Leviticus 23:32 "It is for you Saturday Saturdays.
Se humillaran a si mismos en el noveno día del mes por la tarde, entre las dos Would humble themselves in the ninth day of the month at evening, between the two
tardes; evenings; Observaran sus días de reposo desde una tarde hasta la otra tarde ” Versión Observe their Sabbath from a late afternoon until another "Version
Peshita. Peshitta. El ejemplo del día del sábado es contundente para aclarar la expresión entre las The example of the Sabbath day is blunt to clarify the expression between the
dos tardes lo cual refiere al atardecer del principio del día y el atardecer del fin del mismo two evenings which refers to sunset beginning of the day and the evening of the same order
día; day; el cumplimiento exacto de la celebración de la Pascua Judía y la cena que el Señor strict compliance with the celebration of the Passover and the Lord's supper
se estableció conforme al mandamiento que Dios dio al pueblo por boca de Moisés.)** was established according to the commandment that God gave to the people through Moses.) **
El Señor Jesucristo comió la pascua e instituyo la cena en el atardecer –noche- del día 14 The Lord Jesus ate the Passover and instituted -noche- dinner in the evening of 14
de Nizan conforme al mandamiento y en cumplimiento a la profecía. Nizan according to the commandment and fulfill the prophecy. , ya que cuando no Because when not
se comprende unos dicen ¿que Jesús no comió la pascua el día 14?. it comprises say what Jesus ate the Passover on the 14th ?. En los evangelios In the Gospels
se relata lo siguiente: “ Y vino el día de los azimos, en el cual era necesario matar la the following is reported: "Then came the day of unleavened bread, which was necessary to kill the
pascua. Passover. Y envió a Pedro ya a Juan, diciendo: Id, aparejaos la pascua para que And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go aparejaos the passover, that
comamos, Y ellos le dijeron: ¿Donde quieres que aparejemos? eat, And they said: Where do you want us to prepare? Y el les dijo: he aquí And he said unto them here
cuando entrareis en la ciudad, os encontrara un hombre que lleva un cántaro de when you come into the city, I found a man carrying a pitcher of
agua, seguidle hasta la casa donde entrare. water, follow him into the house where he entereth. Y decid al padre de la familia de la casa: And say to the family of the house:
El maestro te dice: ¿Donde esta el aposento donde tengo de comer la pascua con The teacher says to you, Where is the room where I may eat the Passover with
mis discípulos? my disciples? Entonces él os mostrara un gran cenáculo aderezado; And he will show you a large upper room; aparejad make ready
allí”. Lucas 22:7-12. there, "Lucas. 22: 7-12. Notemos los términos azimos y pascua de entrada nos da la idea Note Unleavened Bread and Passover entry terms gives us the idea
que refiere a las dos festividades juntas, sin embargo los evangelistas solo refieren al referring to the two holidays together, but the evangelists only refer to
evento la pascua, aun a pesar de que textualmente se interpreten dos festividades, he Easter event, even though two festivals are interpreted literally, I
aquí dos razones que ayudaran a una mejor comprensión: Here are two reasons that help to better understand:
 Primero porque según Éxodo 12: 6 -8 Y habéis de guardarlo hasta el día catorce  First, because according to Exodus 12: 6 -8 And ye shall keep it until the fourteenth day
de este mes y lo inmolara toda la Congregación del pueblo de Israel entre las this month and immolated the whole congregation of Israel between the

Page 7 Page 7
Concilio Ministerial 2008 Ministerial Council 2008
Lema. Lema. “Testificando la Verdadera Gracia de Dios” "Witnessing the True Grace of God"
Tema: Muerte y Resurrección de Cristo Topic: Death and Resurrection of Christ
Expositor. Exhibitor. Min. Angel Canales Pérez Min. Angel Canales Pérez
dos tardes. two evenings. Y aquella noche comerán la carne azada al fuego, y panes sin And tonight eat meat hoe fire, and unleavened
levadura; yeast; con hierbas amargas lo comerán” . with bitter herbs they shall eat it. " La pascua se comía con pan azimo The Passover was eaten with bread azimo
–pan sin levadura- lo que textualmente era una manera de expresarse, sin que -bread without yeast-verbatim what was a way to express themselves without
esto tuviera una relación conjunta con la festividad de los panes sin levadura, la this had a joint relationship with the feast of unleavened bread, the
cual duraba siete días which lasted seven days
 Segundo muchos se cuestionan ¿porque en los días de Jesús la pascua se comía  Second many are questioning why in the days of Jesus ate the Passover
a la hora de nona –tres de la tarde-? when nona-three of the afternoon? como ya explique, primero es importante la as already explained, it is first important
interpretación correcta de la expresión entre las dos tardes (Levítico 23.32), así que correct interpretation of the term in the evening (Leviticus 23.32), so
la hora de nona, en que mataban el cordero era correcto conforme al the ninth hour, when the lamb was killed right under
mandamiento, también existe una respuesta, ya esta forma de cumplir con esta commandment, there is also an answer, and thus to fulfill this
remembranza, se debía porque cuando el pueblo de Israel se corrompió en los días remembrance, it was because when the people of Israel was corrupted in the days
de los jueces y de los reyes, olvidaron por mucho tiempo el orden de estas judges and kings, forgot long the order of these
solemnidades, sin embargo en los días del rey Josias este varón restauro el culto y solemnities, but in the days of King Josiah this man restored the worship and
obligo a todos los que estaban en Jerusalem, hacer conforme al pacto de su Dios force myself to all who were in Jerusalem, do according to the covenant of her God
como lo describe 2ª Crónicas capitulo 34; as described 2nd Chronicles chapter 34; por otra parte el capitulo 35 nos relata moreover the chapter 35 tells us
como fue el rey Josias quien reordeno el culto, quien teniendo la hora nona, como as was King Josias who reorder the cult, who have the ninth hour, as
la hora del sacrificio, aquel día restauro la pascua y la festividad de los panes sin the time of slaughter that day restored the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened
levadura, ”Y los hijos de Israel que se hallaron allí, hicieron la pascua en aquel yeast, "And the children of Israel that were present kept the passover at that
tiempo, y la solemnidad de los panes sin levadura, por siete días. time, and the feast of unleavened bread seven days. Nunca tal Far be
pascua fue hecha en Israel desde los días de Samuel el profeta; Passover was kept in Israel from the days of Samuel the prophet; ni ningún rey none of the kings
de Israel hizo la pascua tal como la que hizo el rey Josias, y los sacerdotes y Israel made ​​such a passover as did King Josias, and the priests and
Levitas, y todo Juda e Israel, los que se hallaron allí, juntamente con los Levites, and all Judah and Israel that were present, together with the
moradores de Jerusalem” . inhabitants of Jerusalem ". 2ª Crónicas 35:17-18, como consecuencia a partir de 2 Chronicles 35: 17-18, resulting from
esta fecha los judíos acostumbraban comer la pascua en el sacrificio de la tarde, this date the Jews used to eat the passover in the evening sacrifice,
siendo su ultima comida y haciendo la preparación del pan azimo para los sietes being his last meal preparation and making bread for seven azimo
días “ Y asaron la pascua al fuego según la costumbre: mas lo que había sido days "and roasted the passover with fire according to the ordinance: but what had been
santificado lo cocieron en ollas, en calderos, y calderas, y repartieronlo holy offerings sod they in pots, and in caldrons, and in pans, and repartieronlo
prestamente al pueblo. readily to people. Y después aderezaron para si y para los sacerdotes; And afterward they made ​​ready for themselves and for the priests;
porque los sacerdotes, hijos de Aarón, estuvieron ocupados hasta la noche because the priests the sons of Aaron were busy until the night
en el sacrificio de los holocaustos y de los sebos; in the offering of burnt offerings and the fat; por tanto, los levitas therefore the Levites
aderezaron para si, y los sacerdotes hijos de Aarón…Así fue aprestado todo they prepared for themselves, and the priests the sons of Aaron ... So everything was primed
el servicio de Jehová en aquel día, para hacer la pascua, y sacrificar los the service of the Lord in that day, to keep the passover, and to offer
holocaustos sobre el altar de Jehová, conforme al mandamiento del rey burnt offerings on the altar of the LORD, according to the commandment of the king
Josias . Josias. 2ª Crónicas 35: 13-14, 16. 2 Chronicles 35: 13-14, 16.
La anterior razón prueba que aunque a partir de esta fecha el pueblo de Israel tenia esta The above reason proves that even after this date the people of Israel had this
costumbre, y que además estaba conforme al estatuto en celebrar este memorial lo hacia usual, and was also under the statute in which to celebrate this memorial
conforme fue ordenado “Y habéis de guardarlo hasta el día catorce de este mes; as was ordained "And ye shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month; y lo and
inmolara toda la congregación del pueblo de Israel entre las dos tardes. immolating all the congregation of Israel in the evening. Y este día And this day
os ha de ser en memoria, y habéis de celebrarlo como solemne a Jehová durante you must be in memory, and you have a feast to the LORD throughout
vuestras generaciones: por estatuto perpetuo lo celebrareis . your generations, for a perpetual statute it a feast. Éxodo 12:6,14. Exodus 12: 6,14. Como How Come
consecuencia nuestro Señor Jesucristo tuvo que hacerlo en tiempo forma y como era su Consequently our Lord Jesus Christ had to do as long as was his
deseo “ Y les dijo: En gran manera he deseado comer esta pascua antes que desire "And he said to them, With desire I have desired to eat this Passover before
padezca ” Lucas 22:15, suffering "Luke 22:15,
Por lo que refiere al verso. As regards the verse. Y el primer día de la fiesta de los panes sin levadura "And the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread"
Mateo 26:17; Matthew 26:17; no es para indicar que era el día quince cuando iniciaba la fiesta de los is not to indicate that it was the fifteenth day when the party started
panes sin levadura, las festividades estaban separadas y cada una tenia su propio unleavened bread, the festivities were separated and each had its own
significado la primera la pascua = era la redención, su libertad (Éxodo 12.25-27) y los meaning the first Passover = was redemption, freedom (Exodus 12.25-27) and
panes sin levadura = era para recordar la aflicción de la esclavitud. = unleavened bread was to remind the affliction of slavery. Sin embargo, el However, the

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Concilio Ministerial 2008 Ministerial Council 2008
Lema. Lema. “Testificando la Verdadera Gracia de Dios” "Witnessing the True Grace of God"
Tema: Muerte y Resurrección de Cristo Topic: Death and Resurrection of Christ
Expositor. Exhibitor. Min. Angel Canales Pérez Min. Angel Canales Pérez
punto central es la expresión es el primer día de la fiesta, esto es lo que dice “ Y en central point is the expression is the first day of the feast, this is what it says "And
aquella noche comerán la carne asada al fuego, y panes sin levadura: con hiervas eat that night roast with fire, and unleavened bread with herbs
amargas lo comerán ” Éxodo 12.8 “En el mes primero, el día catorce del mes por la you will eat bitter "Exodus 12.8" In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at
tarde, comeréis los panes sin levadura, hasta el veintiuno del mes por la tarde”. Later, you shall eat unleavened bread, until the twenty-month evening ".
Éxodo 12:18, aquella noche los hebreos comieron la pascua (Éxodo 12:27-28), luego a Exodus 12:18 that night the Jews ate the Passover (Exodus 12: 27-28), then
media noche vino la mortandad (Éxodo 12:29), al amanecer el pueblo demando oro y Midnight came the plague (Exodus 12:29), at dawn the people demanded gold and
plata al pueblo (Éxodo 11:2), durante la parte clara del día hicieron los preparativos de Silver people (Exodus 11: 2), during the light of the day made ​​preparations
salida ante el apremio de los Egipcios (Éxodo 12:33) durante el día catorce prepararon su Output at the urging of the Egyptians (Exodus 12:33) during the fourteenth prepared their
masa (Éxodo 12:34) esto es lo que los judíos llaman. mass (Exodus 12:34) this is what the Jews call. Y el primer día de la fiesta de los "And the first day of the Feast of
panes sin levadura ” Mateo 26:17; unleavened bread "Matthew 26:17; sin que esto sea el inicio de la festividad de los panes without this being the beginning of the feast of bread
sin levadura, ya que el día catorce por la parte clara cuando Israel salio de Egipto, hizo los unleavened, as the fourteen clear part when Israel left Egypt day, made ​​the
preparativos de su salida, particularmente preparar la masa de la cual que ya estando en preparations for departure, particularly prepare dough which already being in
Succoth el día quince aquella noche comieron las tortas sin levadura (Éxodo 12:37- Succoth on the fifteenth that night ate unleavened cakes (Exodus 12: 37-
39).esto lo que se llama la preparación de la pascua o primer día de los panes sin 39) .this what is called the preparation of the Passover or first day of unleavened
levadura. yeast.
14 14
15 15
Éxodo 12:6-8 Y habéis de guardarlo hasta el día catorce de este m es y lo inm olara toda la Exodus 12: 6-8 And ye shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the m's and inm Olara all
C ongregación del pueblo de Israel entre las dos tardes. C ongregación of Israel in the evening. Y aquella noche com erán la carne And tonight com erán meat
azada al fuego, y panes sin levadura; hoe fire, and unleavened bread; con hierbas am argas lo com erán. Herbal am you argas what they erán com.
Éxodo 12:18 En el m es prim ero, el día catorce del m es por la tarde, com eréis los panes Exodus 12:18 In the m is prim ero, the fourteenth day of m is in the afternoon, com eréis breads
Sin levadura, hasta el veintiuno del m es por la tarde. No yeast, until the twenty-m is in the afternoon.
Leer. Read. Lev. Lev. 23:1-6 ; 23: 1-6; N úm . N um. 28:16 ; 28:16; D eut.16:1-8; D eut.16: 1-8; Ezq. Ezek. 45:21 45:21
M ateo 26:17; M atheist 26:17;
M arcos 14:12; M ark 14:12; Lucas 22:1-7 Luke 22: 1-7
El día catorce entre las dos tardes se The fourteenth day between the two evenings
sacrificaba el cordero Pascual Lev. Paschal lamb sacrificed Lev. 23:5) 23: 5)
Éxodo 12:18 ; Exodus 12:18; Lev. Lev. 23:6 23: 6
La Pascua se com ía con Panes sin Easter is com ed with Unleavened
levadura Éxodo 12:8 yeast Exodus 12: 8
Santa convocación Holy convocation
Esto es muy importante porque Cristo ni se adelanto, ni lo hizo fuera de lo que estaba This is very important because Christ neither advance nor did it out of what was
escrito, por el contrario cumplió en todo conforme a la ley. “Y como fue hora, sentase a He wrote, on the contrary turned around under the law. "And it was time, sit at
la mesa, y con el sus apóstoles ” Lucas 22:14. the table, and the apostles "Luke 22:14. de esta manera hallamos una perfecta thus we find a perfect
armonía entre las profecías que referían a la muerte de Jesús. harmony between the prophecies related to the death of Jesus.

Page 9 Page 9
Concilio Ministerial 2008 Ministerial Council 2008
Lema. Lema. “Testificando la Verdadera Gracia de Dios” "Witnessing the True Grace of God"
Tema: Muerte y Resurrección de Cristo Topic: Death and Resurrection of Christ
Expositor. Exhibitor. Min. Angel Canales Pérez Min. Angel Canales Pérez
D ia s D ia s
D ia s an te sde la mue rte del S e D ia s an sde you the rte mue of S and
an te sde la mue rte del S e ñ or the rte an sde you mue the S e ñ or
or or
9 9
1 2 February 1
1 3 March 1
1 4 April 1
1 5 May 1
1 6 January 6
1 7 January 7
1 8 August 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 January 1
M esde A b ib o N is á n Ince A b ib M or N is to n
J es ú svaa B e th an ia J uan 1 2 :1 J is th e B u SVAA an ia J ohn February 1: 1
E n tr ada T r iu n fa l J uan 1 2 :1 2 -1 3 E n tr ada T r iu n fa l J ohn February 1: 1 2 -1 3
H echa lo scamb ia doresyma ld ic e la h ig uera M arcos 1 1 :1 2 -1 5 H kicks him scamb ia ld doresyma ic e h ig utside M arch 1 1: 1 2 -1 5
L ah ig ueraseseca M arcos 1 1 :2 0 Ueraseseca ah ig L M arcs 1 1: 2 0
P reparanelcen á cu lo L ucas 2 2 :7 -1 3 P reparanelcen to the L uke 2 cu 2: 7 -1 3
C ena , ymuer te de J es ú s L ucas 2 2 :1 4 -1 6 C ena, you ymuer J is u s L uke 2 2: 1 4 -1 6
G rand ía del S á bado J uan 1 4 :3 1 G rand ed from S to bado J ohn 1 4: 1 March
preparan la sdrogasarom á tic as M a sdrogasarom prepare a tic as M
R eposanel S á badose Eposanel R S to badose
D an ie l 9 .2 6 J es ú smuerea la m ita dde la semana D an ie l 9 2 6 J m is u ita dde smuerea the week
M ie Ie M
J ue J ue
V ie Ie V
S ab S ab
M a M
L un One L
D om D om
V ie Ie V
S ab S ab
É xodo É Exodus
1 2 :1 -6 se February 1: 1 -6 is
apar ta el apar ta the
corde ro lamb
Lo importante de esta enseñanza es que el cordero que los hebreos sacrificaron en Egipto The importance of this teaching is that the lamb sacrificed the Hebrews in Egypt
era un precioso tipo del sacrificio perfecto que a su tiempo seria hecho por nuestro señor it was a lovely kind of perfect sacrifice which in time would be done by our Lord
Jesucristo, a fin de abolir, quitar aquel acto material que se hacia con el cordero, pero Jesus Christ, to abolish, remove that material act that was done with the lamb, but
nunca cambio el modelo establecido por el Altísimo, consumado vino a ser causa de never change the pattern set by the Almighty accomplished become a cause of
eterna redención a los que por el nos allegamos a Dios. eternal redemption for us who draw near to God. Es aquí donde entran hasta lo It is here that go down into the
mas profundo de nuestro ser las palabras del apóstol pablo. “Limpiad, pues la vieja depths of our being the words of the Apostle Paul. "Purge out therefore the old
levadura, para que seáis nueva masa, como sois sin levadura: porque nuestra leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened because our
pascua, que es Cristo, fue sacrificada por nosotros” . Passover is Christ, was sacrificed for us. " 1ª Corintios 5:7, y la primera 1 Corinthians 5: 7, and the first
enseñanza que el apóstol recibió del mismo Cristo. ”Porque primeramente os he teaching that the apostle received from Christ himself. "For I delivered to you first
enseñado lo que asimismo recibí: Que Cristo fue muerto por nuestros pecados, all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins,
conforme a las escrituras” . according to the scriptures. " 1ª Corintios 15:3 1 Corinthians 15: 3
El nuevo pacto el memorial que nos lego nuestro Redentor antes de morir. The new covenant the memorial that we lay our Redeemer before dying. ¡Emblemas de Emblems
remembranza! remembrance! Participamos una vez al año, en el aniversario de la muerte de nuestro We participate once a year, on the anniversary of the death of our
salvador, de aquellos símbolos, mostrando de este modo nuestra fe en el Redentor. savior, those symbols, thus showing our faith in the Redeemer. El The
apóstol Pablo nos dice que estos emblemas son un medio de comunión, es el vinculo de Paul tells us that these emblems are a means of communion is the bond of
unidad, es una bendición obedecer al señor celebrando este acto en su propio tiempo y unit is a blessing obey the Lord celebrating this act in their own time and
este servicio memorial ha de continuar siempre, año tras año, hasta el tiempo de la This memorial service is to always continue, year after year, until the time of the
segunda venida de Cristo,” Porque todas las veces que comieres este pan y bebieres Second Coming of Christ, "For as often as ye eat this bread and bebieres
esta copa la muerte del Señor anuncias hasta que venga ”. this cup announce the Lord's death until he comes. " 1ª Corintios 11:26. 1st Corinthians 11:26.
Jesús dio la Cena a sus discípulos haciendo así este acto parte viva del servicio de la Supper Jesus gave his disciples thus making this event a living part of the service
Iglesia de Dios, por ello manifestamos nuestra fe en el cuerpo y en la sangre de Jesús, Church of God, therefore we express our faith in the body and blood of Jesus,
por quien recibimos salvación, y por tanto es un acto sublime para la Iglesia de Dios, que from whom we receive salvation, and therefore is a sublime act for the Church of God,
reviste toda la santidad del hombre para con Dios, consideremos la amonestación del is of all the holiness of man to God, consider the admonition of
apóstol. “De manera que cualquiera que comiere este pan o bebiere esta copa del apostle. "Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of
señor indignamente, será culpado del cuerpo y de la sangre del Señor” 1ª Corintios Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord "1 Corinthians
11:27. 11:27. Como requisitos fundamentales se requiere: As required fundamental requirements:
 Haber confirmado nuestra fe a través del bautismo, por ministros vigentes que  Having confirmed our faith through baptism, by force ministers to
practiquen la misma fe de la Iglesia de Dios, que guarden la doctrina y sean practice the faith of the Church of God, to obey the doctrine and are
guardadores de los mandamientos de Dios. keepers of the commandments of God.

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Concilio Ministerial 2008 Ministerial Council 2008
Lema. Lema. “Testificando la Verdadera Gracia de Dios” "Witnessing the True Grace of God"
Tema: Muerte y Resurrección de Cristo Topic: Death and Resurrection of Christ
Expositor. Exhibitor. Min. Angel Canales Pérez Min. Angel Canales Pérez
 Otro requisito es vivir en comunión con todos los hermanos que formamos el  Another requirement is to live in communion with all the brothers who formed the
cuerpo de Cristo, la unidad es fundamental en esta armonía con Cristo, sin body of Christ, unity is essential in this harmony with Christ, without
diferencias ni perjuicios, caso contrario cada uno tendrá su propia mesa y no la del differences or damage, otherwise everyone will have their own table and not the
Señor. Lord.
Indudablemente que otro de los testimonios que sellan el ministerio de nuestro señor Undoubtedly another testimony that seal the ministry of our Lord
Jesus Christ is his resurrection on which rests the hope of eternal life, and is
Jesus left the tomb breaking irons death and the grave to
ensure the hope of sinners of the sons of men fallen! Resurrection of
which he himself had predicted. " Then he commanded his disciples to anyone
man that he was Jesus the Christ. From that time Jesus began to
his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things of the elders and
the chief priests, and scribes; and be killed, and be raised the
third day " .Mateo 16: 21-22.
Resurrection not been consummated, as Paul pointed our faith and
our hope would have been futile. As the vanished hope of those
disciples of Jesus who came down from Jerusalem to that city called Emanus.
But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us, for it is
evening and the day is far spent. I go, then, to sit with them. And it came to pass,
he sat with them at table, he took bread, blessed and broke and diols.
Were opened their eyes, and they knew him, and he vanished
of their eyes. And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us,
while he talked on the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures? Y And
rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem and found gathered together the
eleven and those who were with them. Saying, The Lord is risen
truly, and appeared to Simon. And they told what things they
had happened on the road, and as he was known of them in breaking
bread " . Luke 24: 29-35. This event summon all those who were
close to Jesus before his death, came to confirm what the angel said to the women
They had gone to the grave "Has Risen go and tell his disciples that he is risen
the dead have fallen into Galilee there you will see him. " Matthew 28: 1-8- those
hoped in Christ, for three days stranded in deep and desperate sadness now
shone hope, because this was the fulfillment of man's redemption.
The testimony of those apostles and disciples gathered in the upper room
where the doors of the Jews locked for fear, Jesus enters and putting in
Average dijotes, Peace to You. No doubt stunned and bristling bodies at that
special moment, changed to joy when they played and talked with him, certified
that the Lord lives. From that moment the message of the resurrection was a story,
I filled the hearts of those disciples felt joy, but we also souls
sad and grieving for sin; is a new great joy that came to eradicate
darkness of sin and encourages us to rise to a higher degree of sanctification,
How much for a man that quality of Job, sight unseen, speak your
resurrection, ignoring death when expressed. " I know my
Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand upon the earth; and then destroy this my
skin, I must still see God in my flesh; which I have to do for me, my eyes
will see and not another "Job. 19: 25-27. What meaning these words contain so deep,
Job because the patient is not giving glory to a dead redeemer, but a redeemer

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Ministerial Council 2008
Lema. "Witnessing the True Grace of God"
Topic: Death and Resurrection of Christ
Exhibitor. Min. Angel Canales Pérez Min. Angel Canales Pérez
lives, which rose from the dust of the earth which triumphantly as the psalmist said no
'd stop your servant see corruption on earth,
The unfortunate thing is how Satan has deceived many today to divert attention from the
which means the resurrection of Christ, to bring them lies as teaching that Jesus
He did not raise on Saturday, that Jesus died on Friday and not in the middle of the week -
Wednesday- which was foretold by the prophet Daniel. For most religions
Christians who keep Sunday, your only recourse is to point out that Jesus rose the
first day of the week, forcing the interpretation of scripture to enforce this
wrong dogma. Since analytical principle Saturday weekly Sabbath is a
God's command for man giving rest for a sign and for sanctification, which
was established from the very creation. And that Jesus was resurrected at the end of the day
Saturday is to confirm that the prophecy from God, was predicted accurately.
I want to explain briefly about the day of his resurrection, and that under the
Scripture says: " And in another week confirm the covenant with many, and half the
week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation .. "Daniel 9:27 Christ was crucified
fourth day, the day is known as Wednesday and rose again the seventh day,
he is known as the Sabbath. In the Gospels three important points are highlighted.
1. Jesus would be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights. Matthew 12:40.
2. Jesus resurrected on the third day Matthew 16:21; 17:23; 20:19; Luke 9:22.
3. Jesus left the witness of his resurrection in the minds of the Sanhedrin. Mateo Mateo
27:63: Mark 8:31
. . The Lord will pray
Luke 23: 44-46 ..when was the sixth hour there was darkness ... M Uere Christ
. .
Matthew 27: 45-50 until the ninth hour darkness and then dies the Lord.
Mark 15: 33-37 When the sixth hour there was darkness
" Death of the Lord "
Arrest of the Lord
Day 14
de of
Born with Annas
and Caiaphas
Jesus before Pilate
Jesus is brought up with Herod
Again with Pilate
The Lord is put on the tree
Third time = 9:00 a.m.
From the sixth to the ninth hour
(12:00 to 15:00) there was
miércoles Wednesday
Jesus was placed in the grave the same day he was crucified, in the afternoon
Fourteen of Nizan Wednesday near sunset . "And when it was evening, because
was the preparation, that is, the day before the Sabbath, Joseph of Arimetea noble senator,

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Ministerial Council 2008
Lema. "Witnessing the True Grace of God"
Topic: Death and Resurrection of Christ
Exhibitor. Min. Angel Canales Pérez Min. Angel Canales Pérez
which also waited for the kingdom of God, came, and entered boldly to Pilate, and begged the
Jesus' body. And Pilate marveled if he were already dead; and summoning the
Centurion, ask him if he was already dead, and learned from the centurion, he granted the body to
José. Which bought a blanket and took him down, wrapped in Savannah, and put
in a sepulcher which was hewn out of a rock and rolled a stone unto the door of
sepulcher. And Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of Jesus beheld where he was laid. "
Mark 15: 42-47 this record of the burial of Christ, points out that Jesus was put
in the grave the same day that crucified him.
Jesus was crucified on the same day the Jewish Passover lamb was killed, The
was the true Paschal Lamb of God. And we must not overlook the fact that Jesus was
died the day of the preparation of this Passover, should also clarify that this
preparation was not for a weekly Sabbath, as for the weekly Sabbath was not
requires no preparation. If you think differently, then Jesus did not meet the
prophecies, as if he had died on Friday was only a day and a night, which
we can accept this Catholic and Protestant ideology.
When Jesus rose? In accordance with the testimony of the Gospel of Matthew is very
clear and convincing " And the day before the sabbath, began to dawn toward the first day of the
week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher. And behold, it was
a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and
coming, he rolled back the stone and sat upon it. His appearance was
like lightning, and his raiment white as snow. And for fear of him the keepers
They were amazed. And they became as dead men. And the angel answered and said unto the
women; Do not be afraid; for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was
crucified. Not here; for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place
where he was put Mr . " Matthew 28: 1-6. This passage is crucial to understand, as
Clearly not need further explanation because this is the harmony between all
mentioned in the Gospels events and is an absolute proof that Christ had
resurrected Saturday before sunset. The use of the word Greek OPSE, which
We translated, " the end of the Sabbath " as the word we translate later, thus we refer to
sunset, which begins in the last hour of the day and that does not include at the beginning of
new day, however using the same concept continues the afternoon but
already part of the next day, Translators of Matthew used the
expression of conjunctive way " dawn "to signal the beginning of a new day. " And
before the sabbath, that dawns for the first day of the week "Matthew 28: 1.

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Ministerial Council 2008
Lema. "Witnessing the True Grace of God"
Topic: Death and Resurrection of Christ
Exhibitor. Min. Angel Canales Pérez Min. Angel Canales Pérez
14 14
15 15
16 16
18 18
17 17
Jueves Thursday
Sábado Saturday
1st day
2nd day
Tercerdía, the
comoestuvo vientredelaballenatresdíasytresnoches Jonásenel,
estaráel well hijodel hombreenel corazóndelatierratresdíasytres
nights (Mateo12: 40)
Grandíadel Rest (ceremonial)
Third díaenlatumbaLucas24: 21
Other expressions in their different meanings can change an expression,
depending on the verb and the time that is being used or the context of the paragraph:
"And very early .. already left the Sun Marcos. 16: 2 day dawns? Or the day
the sun was just beginning six or seven o'clock?
early, while still dark. " John 20: 1 sunrise or dawn? Or Login
five or six p.m., the day started?
"Now when Jesus I rise in the morning , the first day of the week. " Marcos
16: 9 O " But as resurrected Jesus , in the morning the first day ... "
It is important to differentiate how each evangelist writes events
and particularities, the time when the events listed are different,
but the goal is one. Note the following differences:
" And the day before the sabbath, began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary
Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher. And behold, it was a great
earthquake ": Matthew 28: 1. This verse is very well defined, and the day before the Sabbath

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Ministerial Council 2008
Lema. "Witnessing the True Grace of God"
Topic: Death and Resurrection of Christ
Exhibitor. Min. Angel Canales Pérez Min. Angel Canales Pérez
original Greek " Opse tes sabbaton "= end of Saturday or Saturday afternoon.Antes de Prior to
the sun goes down, which leads to the conjunct, that dawns for the first
day, without implying that is already the first day.
"And very early on the first day, come to the tomb, the sun had risen . "
Mark 16: 2. In this passage the evangelist is not pointing at the moment Jesus
resurrected, is signaling events taking place, and purpose that had
remained incomplete as it was put in the body of Jesus aromatic fragrances.
"Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, appeared
first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast seven devils. " Marcos
16: 9. The pagan religions use this passage to try and prove that Jesus
He resurrected the morning of the first day of the week = Sunday, the interesting thing is that the
verb "resurrected "used in the simple past, this is not in the original Greek;
rather use the past perfect verb "rise "to be written "had
resurrected " in addition to the above, the treachery that is in the translations to change the
coma place gives a different expression and further to omitting the use of the verb
in its proper time gives result in misinterpretation, which it
writing that defends itself through different passages
Gospels lead us to the true understanding of the scriptures.
" And the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came unto the sepulcher, bringing the
spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. " .
Luke 24: 1 the superlative adverb " very early "reveals anxiety or desire
these women had to meet its target which were set to go at dawn.
"And the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene early, while still dark,
the tomb; and saw the stone rolled away from the sepulcher. " John 20: 1 in the afternoon or beginning of the
evening of the first day, after the sun went, which results in
subjunctive prayer, being still dark, without implying a separate act of facts
were going consecutively.
This shows us that the Gospels of Mark, Luke and John, do not mention the
time Jesus resurrected, just assume that you agree that Jesus
resurrected on Saturday afternoon, and his concern is to point out the events that took
place due to his resurrection.
The next slide is to signal based on the above, the views held
in the grave, but this is only part because there are many other events
important, as the testimony of the disciples descended to Emmaus, afternoon
that first day we gathered the apostles and women in the room
closed doors and entered the Lord Jesus and stood in their midst. Or the
Paul wrote and have not translated the Gospels. "And that he was buried, and that
rose again the third day according to the Scriptures; And that appeared to Cephas, then
at twelve. Then he appeared to more than five hundred brethren at once; of which
Many still live, and others are dead. Then he appeared to James, then to
all the apostles. And last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared to me ".
1 Corinthians 15: 4-8

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Ministerial Council 2008
Lema. "Witnessing the True Grace of God"
Topic: Death and Resurrection of Christ
Exhibitor. Min. Angel Canales Pérez Min. Angel Canales Pérez
18 18
17 17
Sábado Saturday
domingo Sunday
Who went to the tomb when Jesus was resurrected?
1. first visit, Saturday afternoon: Mary Magdalene and the other Mary.
Matthew 28: 1
2. Second visit, the Sabbath Jesus comes to meet them Maria Magdalena
Matthew 28: 9-10, and it is precisely Mary Magdalene , who will give good
New to the apostles. John 20: 11-18
3. Third Visit, the first day early in the morning even darker. Simon Peter and
Juan came to the tomb. John 20: 1-10
4. Fourth visit, came the first day of the week and when the sun Mary
Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome. Mark 16: 1-7.
That our Lord Jesus Christ died and rose again according to the Scriptures, seal
our redemption, allow us to be partakers of the grace of God, to live in faith and
hope of eternal life. We got the opportunity to once reconciled to
God, live pious and just gave us the promise of the Holy Spirit for guidance
into all truth and all justice.
The story of redemption is the most beautiful and I think at this time the least
I understood, it reflects all the love, all interest, all the worry and all
the infinite mercy of Heavenly Father for the human race. Since man
existed and even before knowing God that man would be vulnerable to sin, I envisioned a
way to save humanity when this fall, when God blessed time
determined to sacrifice his son to redeem man's life.
Ministers of the gospel we take this testimony of his death in our body and not
we get tired of witnessing to the people of this beautiful plan of redemption that came from
our God.

Texto original